Monday, December 29, 2008

All About the Symbolic Meaning They Come With

The history of them is ju st like the rings themselves: it has no be ginning and no end. Without an e xact specific time as to when the y came about, rings for weddings we re first worn by the ancient Ro mans. These rings, although they were me rely called as "finger rings", were u sed to "tie" or bond people not ju st with their own social class, but a lso to their marital partners. Specifically do ne in the betrothal ceremonies, the gro om will give a plain iron fi nger ring to the bride's family as a symbo l of his commitment to financially su pport the bride. If you are wo ndering why betrothal ceremonies and not we dding ceremonies, it is because the be trothal is more elaborately celebrated than the we dding.
Christian wedding rings do not di ffer largely in meaning from the Ro mans' betrothal rings. Even if nowadays the gro om gives and slips on the ri ng to his bride instead of the bri de's family, the act means almost the sa me: a symbol of his commitment to his wi fe not just to financially support her but a lso to love her. Another meaning for su ch act is that groom and the bri de are laying claim of each o ther. Just like what the pagans we re "saying" but only this time, the bri de is doing the same thing.
Christian wedding ri ngs have even gone way beyond wha t is conventional. Lately, tattooed wedding ri ngs have come into practice for so me. Although some conservative church leaders ha ve a thing or two to say a gainst it, these rings still say the sa me thing as the usual rings: co mmitment and love for another person. You se e, no matter what form they ta ke or design they appear in or ma terial they are made out of, ri ngs for weddings are all about the symbo lic meaning that they come with.

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